Higher education for sustainable development in the digital era: Mapping the bibliometric analysis
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #4, pp. 202-216
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Modern higher education institutions in developed countries are becoming active agents of permanent societal changes. The aim of the study is to map the scientific landscape on the topic of higher education for sustainable development in the context of digitalization. In the research process, bibliometric analysis, an in-built Scopus instrument, and VOSviewer were used. The findings proved that the severe restrictions faced by universities during the COVID-19 pandemic became a powerful impulse to intensify the attention of scientists to the mentioned topic. Visualization maps of keywords and scientific publications showed the existing interdisciplinary nature and the main thematic directions of research on higher education for sustainable development in the digital era. They demonstrated a direct connection between the basic principles of the sustainable development concept, sustainable development goals, higher education, universities, digitization, and digital technologies. The largest number of works on the specified subject belong to scientists from China, Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Ukraine. The study concluded that future publications in the analyzed field would cover the effectiveness of digital technologies in higher education, the development of competencies for the digital economy, inclusiveness, cybersecurity, as well as ethical aspects of the use of technologies to achieve the global sustainable development goals.
This analysis is carried out within the framework of the scientific project “Model of the Post-War Recovery of Border Universities of Ukraine in the Digitalization Era Under the Sustainable Development Concept” with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Order No 1190 dated 30.12.2022).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I20, I23, O15, O33
- Figure 1. Research methodology
- Figure 2. Dynamic analysis of the number of titles of scientific publications separate on sustainable development, higher education, and digitalization
- Figure 3. Visualization map of keyword interrelations in titles of scientific publications on distinct topics: “sustainable development,” “higher education,” and “digitalization”
- Figure 4. Visualization of global research trends of keyword interrelations in titles of comprehensive studies on sustainable development, higher education, and digitalization
- Figure 5. The number of scientific articles where the keywords sustainable development, higher education, and digitalization are simultaneously indicated
- Figure 6. Visualization map depicting the relationships between the concepts of sustainable development, higher education and digitalization, based on their co-occurrence in the titles, abstracts, and keywords of scientific publications
- Figure 7. Spatial component of the bibliometric analysis of the higher education concept for sustainable development in the digital era
- Figure 8. Visualization map of the co-authorship
- Figure 9. Structural analysis of higher education for sustainable development in the digital era
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