Can core self-evaluation, workplace spirituality, and mindfulness result in task performance: Evidence from Saudi Arabian organizations
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #3, pp. 39-54
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Creating the ideal atmosphere for employees is essential to an organization’s success. Therefore, identifying the appropriate behaviors that will enhance the optimal environment can be a huge asset for an organization. This study aims to investigate the impact of mindfulness, spirituality, and core self-evaluation on task performance. Four standardized questionnaires were used to randomly collect responses via the Internet from 394 gainfully employed Saudi Arabians across multiple sectors. The samples’ age, gender, and line of work were all varied. To examine the data, structural equation modeling was applied. The findings demonstrate significant positive relationships at the 0.01 level between all examined variables. The path analysis demonstrates a significant positive relationship between spirituality and core self-evaluation (T-statistics = 4.321**) and between spirituality and task performance (T-statistics =2.613**). Furthermore, a significant positive relationship was discovered between mindfulness and core self-evaluation (T-statistics = 4.683**) and between mindfulness and task performance (T-statistics = 6.966**). In addition, a significant positive relationship has been found between core self-evaluation and performance (T-statistics = 2.247**). This suggests that mindfulness and core self-evaluation boost task performance. Additionally, mindfulness and spirituality in the workplace improve both core self-evaluation and performance.
This study is supported by funding from Prince Satam bin Abdulaziz University, project number (PSAU/2024/R/1445).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D23, O15, M12, M19
- Figure 1. Initial model
- Figure 2. The initial model before bootstrapping
- Figure 3. Final model after bootstrapping
- Table 1. Sample’s demographics
- Table 2. Construct reliability and validity
- Table 3. Heterotrait-monotrait ratio – HTMT matrix
- Table 4. Fornell-Larcker criterion
- Table 5. R-square
- Table 6. F-square
- Table 7. Outer loadings (EFA)
- Table 8. VIF (inner model)
- Table 9. Path coefficients
- Table A1. Questionnaire
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