The influence of innovative development in the EU countries and Ukraine on the competitiveness of national economies: A comparative analysis
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #2, pp. 1-16
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Russian aggression adversely affected the economy of Ukraine and emphasized the need to adapt the best practices of EU countries to determine steps to restore the country’s competitiveness. This study aims to determine the influence of the innovative development of countries on their competitiveness and identify prospects for Ukraine’s post-war economic recovery. The study constructed neural networks to assess the relationships between the factors of innovative development and the competitiveness of the EU countries and Ukraine. Six main factors of innovative development of countries are identified: “innovations in business (S1),” “intellectual property (S2)”, “innovations in industry (S3),” “eco-innovations (S4),” “innovation management (S5),” and “digital innovations (S5).” Groups of factors are determined by the strength of influence (strong, moderate, or weak). For Ukraine, S1 and S6 have a strong effect (33.3%), S5 shows moderate (16.7%), S2, S3, and S4 show weak effects (50%). For EU countries, S1 and S6 have a strong influence, S2 and S3 – moderate, S5 and S4 – weak. This comparative analysis concluded that EU countries consider intellectual property, green economy, and state innovation policy as key components of their competitiveness. The results discovered a weak relationship between intellectual property protection, innovation in industry, and competitiveness of Ukraine compared to EU countries. However, digital innovations significantly and positively affect Ukraine’s competitiveness.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F63, O30
- Figure 1. Bibliometric analysis of thematic areas for the influence of countries’ innovative development on their competitiveness
- Figure 2. Conceptual framework
- Figure 3. Neural networks for assessing the impact of innovative development factors on the competitiveness of Ukraine and EU countries (median value)
- Figure 3a. Ukraine
- Figure 3b. EU countries (median value)
- Figure 4. Relationships of innovative development indicators and competitiveness of EU countries and Ukraine (by synaptic weight)
- Figure 5. R&D intensity in OECD and other economies
- Figure 6. Ukraine and EU countries in the Global Innovation Index rating in 2023
- Figure 7. Payments and revenue from intellectual property, % of total trade in 2022
- Figure 8. Ecological Stability Index of Ukraine and EU countries (max – 100%) in 2022
- Figure 9. Ukraine and EU countries in the Government Effectiveness Index in 2022
- Table 1. Ukraine in international rankings of digital development
- Table 2. Measures for the formation of a holistic ecosystem of innovative development in Ukraine by vectors
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