The impact of transformational leadership on enhancing organizational trust: Moderating role of empowerment
Received July 2, 2023;Accepted September 26, 2023;Published October 18, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #4, pp. 101-112
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Worker empowerment is one of the main objectives of any organization. The purpose of the current study is to examine the impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust (trust in coworkers, trust in organization management, and trust in supervisors). In addition, it examines whether workers’ empowerment moderates the mentioned impact. An analytical descriptive approach was adopted, and a survey collected relevant data. A stratified random sample included 294 department managers, branch managers, and heads of departments who work in Jordanian telecommunications companies (Zain, Orange, and Umniah). The study employed SPSS and AMOS 21 for data analysis and hypotheses testing. The paper revealed a significant impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust, except for the ideal influence and inspirational motivation dimensions. Furthermore, workers’ empowerment significantly moderates the impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust at Jordan’s telecommunications companies (Zain, Orange, and Umniah).
The study recommends improving transformational leadership methods in telecom businesses as one of the most critical administrative leadership techniques. It is vital to ensure the continuation of telecom business leaders in these companies to foster organizational trust between company workers and administrative leaders. Additionally, future studies should find new funding sources, identify practical ways to put strategies into practice for intellectual stimulation and arousal in these companies, and conduct more studies on transformational leadership, organizational trust, and empowerment.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M12, M19
- Figure 1. Conceptual model
- Table 1. Sample characteristics
- Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha
- Table 3. Means and standard deviation of transformational leadership
- Table 4. Mean and standard deviation of organization trust
- Table 5. Mean and standard deviation of empowerment
- Table 6. Multicollinearity test
- Table 7. Normal distribution of the dependent variable
- Table 8. Regression analysis of H01
- Table 9. Regression analysis of H01.1
- Table 10. Regression analysis of H01.2
- Table 11. Regression analysis of H01.3
- Table 12. Regression weights (Group number 1 – Default model)
- Table 13. Impact of the moderator variable on the relationship between independent and dependent variables
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Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Data curation
Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Formal Analysis
Rashad Al Saed
Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Rashad Al Saed
Project administration
Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Rashad Al Saed
Rashad Al Saed
Writing – original draft
Rashad Al Saed
Writing – review & editing
Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 162-174 Views: 11925 Downloads: 8182 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTechnological developments are things that must be followed by companies to achieve a competitive advantage to improve performance. To achieve and improve performance, companies need active employee engagement by encouraging motivation and fulfilling their job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the effect of motivation and job satisfaction on performance with employee engagement as a mediating variable. The research sample is Information Technology (IT) companies located in the cities of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. Research respondents are system developers who handle system development activities for a project or part of an ongoing project. By using the convenience sampling technique 103 responses were obtained from IT developers. The research model analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. Empirical findings prove that motivation has a positive effect on the performance of IT employees, while job satisfaction is independent. Employee engagement does not directly affect employee performance, but the effect of mediation through motivation and job satisfaction can have a significant effect on employee performance. The research findings have managerial implications, in increasing high employee involvement, motivation needs to be encouraged to be more active and innovative, and facilitate the achievement of the desired results.
This study was made possible because of the full support of the Region III Education Service Institute (LL-DIKTI III), the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Research Center at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta. -
Management of enterprise’s financial sustainability and improvement of its methods
Galyna Azarenkova, Olena Golovko
, Kateryna Abrosimova doi:
Accounting and Financial Control Volume 2, 2018-2019 Issue #1 pp. 1-14 Views: 5563 Downloads: 793 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article is dedicated to the solution of the relevant issue, concerning management of enterprise`s financial sustainability. Financial sustainability assessment is one of the most important principles of enterprise`s activity, which provides information about financial capabilities of the company at the time of its evaluation and for the future. It is a requirement for the enterprise activity, which provides a high level of competitiveness, efficiency and intensity. Thus, the restoration and strengthening of financial sustainability is a priority task for the enterprise, a basic precondition for its effective functioning. The purpose of the research is to analyze financial sustainability and to improve the methods and approaches of its evaluation. The following methods were used in this research: financial and economic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, analysis and synthesis, comparison. The main results of the study are following: the theoretical and essential characteristics of enterprise financial sustainability has been determined; the financial status of PJSC “Turboatom” has been analyzed; the taxonomic index of financial sustainability has been calculated and the forecast of its significance has been made, the approaches to increase enterprise financial sustainability have been proposed.
The resource-based view: a tool of key competency for competitive advantage
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 143-152 Views: 5380 Downloads: 1174 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe increasing turmoil in the external organizational setting or business environment has focused attention on capabilities and resources as the primary source of competitive advantage. Obviously, this statement points to the application of the resource-based view (RBV) of organizational management. Nevertheless, what constitutes RBV remains an illusion in many quarters of organizational management, as scholars have managed to put up their personal ideas, and managed to converge on phenomenon-driven theories, in addition to RBV. This paper reviews the concepts of RBV in light of knowledge management to highlight some critical pitfalls that might have eluded the research community on the subject matter of RBV. To this end, this paper’s educational value lies in the fact that it simplifies the concept of RBV to the new researcher in a fashion that is capable of appealing to his or her level. A cross-sectional qualitative research approach was employed in an effort aimed at understanding the role of RBV in creating a sustainable competitive advantage and key competencies. A total of 20 relevant articles were searched from different databases and search engines, including Scopus, EBSCO, ABI Inform, IEEE, PubMed, Science Direct, SABINET, IEEE, Bing, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The findings indicate that RBV plays an important role and assists organizations not only create, nurture, and maintain competitive advantage, but also understand the collective resources needed to compete favorably in a globalized and highly competitive market. With expert knowledge workers at its core to provide support for knowledge creation, sharing, and utilization, the RBV principles discussed in this paper promise to guarantee a methodological step geared towards the achievement of competitive advantage. It, therefore, makes an incremental contribution to the RBV to attain modest improvement in organizational settings.