Organizational factors fostering employee green behavior in the workplace: Study on the leather industry
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 373-381
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study investigates the influencing factors that foster green employee behavior in the workplace. The objective of this study is to measure the impact of environmental concern, green human resources practices, environmental knowledge, and green organizational culture on green employee behavior at the workplace. As the potential sample, the study only considered working employees of various medium-sized organizations of the leather industry in Bangladesh. The survey questionnaire was developed on Google Forms using a five-point Likert scale. 300 online questionnaires were sent to the respondents, and 215 responses were deemed valid, showing a response rate of 71%. Moreover, a 5% significance level and SPSS software were used to analyze the data regarding the research purpose of this study. Cronbach’s alpha (α) and factor loading values were used for the reliability and validity of the variables. OLS regression was used to test the hypotheses. This study results find that employees’ concern for the environment, organizational green HRM, necessary information about the environment, green culture, and leadership style are critical for fostering green behavioral outcomes at the workplace. These four factors explained 48.6% of variations on the dependent variable. It is also found that environmental concern (β = 0.274, p < 0.05**) has the highest impact on employee behavior, and green HR practices (β = 0.145, p < 0.05**) have the lowest impact on employee behavior.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M12, J24
- Figure 1. Study framework
- Figure 2. Regression results
- Table 1. Reliability and validity analysis
- Table 2. Demographic information
- Table 3. Regression coefficient analysis
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