The role of sticky cost behavior in supply chain management: Evidence from Jordan


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This study aims to examine the relationship between sticky cost behavior and supply chain management of Jordanian manufacturing firms. The data are collected using a questionnaire targeting 25 Jordanian manufacturing firms. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and correlation. The results reveal a positive relationship between supply chain management and sticky cost behavior (the correlation factor is 81.2%), indicating that the higher the level of sticky costs, the higher the supply chain management level. Moreover, the study found a positive and significant link between target costing and supply chain management (the correlation factor is 68.1%). The findings suggest that manufacturing companies in Jordan should consider the impact of sticky cost behavior on their supply chain management practices and that target costing can be an effective approach to improve supply chain management. The study adds to the previous studies on cost behavior and supply chain management, providing insights for manufacturing companies in Jordan and beyond on improving their supply chain management practices.

I want to thank Amman Arab University for funding this study.

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    • Table 1. Cronbach’s alpha
    • Table 2. Correlation matrix
    • Table 3. Multiple regression results
    • Conceptualization
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Data curation
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Formal Analysis
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Funding acquisition
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Investigation
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Methodology
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Resources
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Writing – original draft
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita
    • Writing – review & editing
      Mohammad Fawzi Shubita