The effect of relational support, educational support, personal attitudes and uncertainty on entrepreneurial intentions: An empirical investigation of university students
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #2, pp. 309-322
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Entrepreneurship is identical with the risk of uncertain environment or market. This risk makes many university graduates hesitant about pursuing a career as an entrepreneur. So that universities play an important role in producing graduates who are ready for entrepreneurship, to support them in terms of education, in addition to several other supporting factors such as family, friends, and especially themselves. This research objective is to analyze the effect of educational support, relational support, personal attitudes, and uncertainty on entrepreneurial intents. State university students in East Java, Indonesia, became the population in this study. This area was chosen because it is the biggest contributor to successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia. This study used a sample of 113 students. Although limited in number, they were evenly sourced from large and well-known universities, and a good entrepreneurial atmosphere was provided for the students. Statistical tests with AMOS were used to test this relationship. Normality assumption test, validity and reliability test, as well as hypothesis testing, are directed to look for the importance of the connection. Relational support has the strongest influence, followed by personal attitude, uncertainty, and the lowest is educational support. These results indicate that internal forces exert a stronger effect than external stimuli. This study found that academy graduates choose careers as entrepreneurs through various considerations. The strongest consideration is relational support. Those with an entrepreneurial family background have a stronger intention to be entrepreneurs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D81, E32, L26
- Figure 1. Proposed research model
- Figure 2. Modification model
- Table 1. Measurement items of the questionnaire used in this study
- Table 2. Normality assumption results
- Table 3. AVE results for validity
- Table 4. Construct reliability analysis results
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing
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