What is sustainable tourism in social media? Evidence from tweets
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 204-218
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Social media is an essential tool and channel for tourism industry research. It has created significant value for tourism consumption, management, and trends. However, rare scientific achievements uncover sustainable tourism on Twitter, a famous social media worldwide. Therefore, this study aims to conceptualize sustainable tourism from the social media perspective. Based on 2,201 tweets, the study uses Nvivo12.0 to encode content thematically to explore the connotations and concepts of sustainable tourism. The study identified three crucial dimensions: tourism for sustainable development, sustainable tourism management, and sustainable tourism types. Tourism for sustainable development aims to promote the positive effects of sustainable practices in the tourism industry on various areas of life, economy, society, and environment. Moreover, its content serves for the better development in the future. Sustainable tourism management focuses on industries, leaders, experts, programs, and sectors. In addition, the study categorized sustainable tourism by entity, purpose, destination, and mode to determine the type of sustainable tourism. The paper helps to inspire stakeholders in the tourism industry to understand and pay attention to the content in the post-Covid-19 era and also provides recommendations for the tourism market, the tourism sector, and tourism consumers.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O14, D83, Z30, P47
- Figure 1. Lexicon cloud analysis map of sustainable tourism
- Figure 2. Comparative analysis map of the relationship between sustainable tourism management and sustainable tourism type
- Figure 3. Comparative analysis map of the relationship between sustainable tourism management and tourism for sustainable development
- Figure 4. Comparative analysis map of the relationship between the sustainable tourism type and tourism for sustainable development
- Figure 5. Tree-map of hierarchy analysis for sustainable tourism
- Table 1. Research on sustainable tourism from the social media perspective
- Table 2. The coding process of tourism for sustainable development
- Table 3. The coding process of tourism for sustainable tourism type
- Table 4. The coding process of tourism for sustainable tourism management
- Table 5. The relevant definition of sustainable tourism from the perspective of social media
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