The impact of HRM practices and employee behavior on career success
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 326-335
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Objective and subjective criteria are essential measures of organizational success. However, prior studies ignored these criteria when assessing employees’ career success. This study aims to examine the impact of HRM practices and employee behavior on career success for employees in the Greater Amman Municipality. This study adopted a survey for data collection, as 375 questionnaires were distributed to employees working at Greater Amman Municipality in Jordan. Four weeks were given to respondents to complete the survey. After the allotted time had passed, 246 questionnaires had been gathered, with a response rate of 65.6%. Of these, 246 questionnaires were deemed suitable for further analysis. Convenience sampling has been used as a key technique for collecting data. For data analysis, SPSS (version 25) and SmartPLS (version 3.3.9) statistical software were used. The findings indicated that objective and subjective criteria significantly affect career success. The results also showed that HRM practices and employee behavior significantly and positively influenced career success. Furthermore, employee behavior mediated the relationship between HRM practices and career success. Since each facet reflects a significant and distinctive component of career success, academics and researchers should focus on both the objective and subjective dimensions of career success.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D23, J62, O15
- Figure 1. Theoretical framework
- Table 1. Demographic information
- Table 2. Descriptive analysis
- Table 3. Consistency reliability and convergent validity
- Table 4. HTMT test
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing
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