Effect of ethics and professionalism on audit quality: A moderating role of dysfunctional audit behavior
Received April 11, 2022;Accepted September 11, 2022;Published October 3, 2022
Author(s)Link to ORCID Index: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5118-2268
Link to ORCID Index: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7024-1315, Fajar Supanto
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 529-539
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Dysfunctional auditor behavior becomes a driving variable for audit quality when an auditor has good ethics and professionalism. This study examines whether the ethics and professionalism of auditors can affect audit quality; dysfunctional audit behavior is used as a moderating variable. The study sample includes 348 auditors employed at public accounting companies throughout Indonesia and enlisted by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants Directory. This paper used the SEM approach with WarpPLS software to analyze the respective data. Thus, it was found that auditors’ ethics and professionalism significantly and positively influence audit quality.
Meanwhile, dysfunctional audit behavior significantly moderated the relationship between professionalism and audit quality. In contrast, this behavior was not a moderating variable for auditors’ ethics and audit quality association. An interesting finding is the indicators of auditors’ ethical behavior in accepting audit engagements, where audit engagements are still accepted even though an auditor shares an association with an auditee. In conclusion, future studies can examine in more detail the effect of audit acceptance process on audit quality.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M42, L84
- Figure 1. Research model test
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics
- Table 2. Results of the validity and reliability test
- Table 3. Model fit test
- Table 4. Path coefficients
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Yulianti, Grahita Chandrarin
Data curation
Formal Analysis
Funding acquisition
Yulianti, Grahita Chandrarin, Fajar Supanto
Yulianti, Grahita Chandrarin, Fajar Supanto
Project administration
Yulianti, Fajar Supanto
Yulianti, Fajar Supanto
Writing – original draft
Yulianti, Fajar Supanto
Writing – review & editing
Yulianti, Fajar Supanto
Grahita Chandrarin, Fajar Supanto
Grahita Chandrarin, Fajar Supanto
Fajar Supanto
The impact of key audit matter (KAM) disclosure in audit reports on stakeholders’ reactions: a literature review
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 323-341 Views: 4977 Downloads: 1943 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis article presents a literature review of 49 empirical studies on key audit matter (KAM) disclosure in audit reports. The study involves a structured literature review on KAM disclosure based on the reactions of stakeholders. The limitations of former studies and useful recommendations for research are stressed. Five major streams of empirical research that analyze the impact of KAM disclosure on stakeholders’ reactions are focused: (1) shareholders (e.g. investors’ perceptions of auditors’ responsibility and litigation, value relevance and investors’ decisions); (2) debtholders (e.g. loan contracting terms); (3) external auditors (e.g. audit processes and audit fees); (4) boards of directors (e.g. earnings management); and (5) other stakeholders (e.g. informational value for suppliers and customers). The authors stress that most of the included studies use experimental or archival data and analyze the impact of KAM disclosure on investor reactions in a US-American setting. As the international standard setters assume a positive impact of KAM on stakeholder reactions, mixed empirical results are found. Although there are some indications of decreased earnings management behavior, most studies find no significant changes in auditor behavior. Furthermore, there are many insignificant results with regard to shareholders’ reaction in line with our stakeholder and behavioral agency framework. The literature review is especially useful for management decisions, because firm reputation may be positively or negatively influenced by KAM regulations.
Impact of corporate governance mechanisms on financial reporting quality: a study of Indian GAAP and Indian Accounting Standards
Faozi A. Almaqtari, Abdulwahid Abdullah Hashed
, Mohd Shamim
, Waleed M. Al-ahdal doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.18(4).2020.01
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #4 pp. 1-13 Views: 3256 Downloads: 656 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe present study examines the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on financial reporting quality under Indian GAAP and Indian Accounting Standards (Ind. AS). A sample of 97 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange is selected. Corporate governance mechanisms have been considered as independent variables, and financial reporting quality is the dependent variable. Corporate governance is measured by board effectiveness (board size, independence, diligence, and expertise), audit committee attributes (size, independence, diligence, and expertise), foreign ownership, and audit quality. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and OLS regression are conducted to estimate the results. The study results reveal that board characteristics and audit committee attributes, except for audit committee diligence, have a significant effect on financial reporting quality. However, the impact of board diligence and audit committee attributes is negative. Foreign ownership has no contribution to financial reporting quality, but audit quality has a significant effect. The findings of the study have considerable implications for regulators, policymakers, managers, investors, analysts, and academicians. More emphasis should be given to compliance with Ind. AS, and an oversight body for compliance with Ind. AS should be established.
This publication was supported by Deanship of Scientific Research, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia. -
Internal audit and financial performance of Yemeni commercial banks: Empirical evidence
Saddam A. Hazaea, Mosab I. Tabash
, Jinyu Zhu , Saleh F. A. Khatib
, Najib H. S. Farhan
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.16(2).2021.13
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 16, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 137-147 Views: 2150 Downloads: 782 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study seeks to verify the contribution of internal audit (IA), especially its role in improving financial performance in Yemeni commercial banks, with a specific focus on three factors, namely: the independence and objectives of IA, the quality of IA and the size of IA. This study reviews some existing literature on the contribution and role of IA in improving financial performance. It relies on available data from questionnaires. 90 questionnaires were distributed to nine commercial banks in Yemen (23 branches) working under the supervision of the Central Bank of Yemen; 81 questionnaires (90%) were regained and used in the process of analysis. To analyze the data, three analysis approaches were used, including description, correlation, and regression. The results showed that the IA has a significant impact on the overall performance of Yemeni commercial banks. Furthermore, the results showed that the auditors’ efficiencies, as well as their financial and accounting experiences, have a significant and positive impact on financial performance. It was revealed that the independence and objectivity of internal auditors are highly insignificant for financial performance. However, the size of IA and the frequency of the auditors’ meetings have a negative and significant effect on financial performance. This study provides some recommendations for improving the effectiveness of IA, which in turn will contribute to improving financial performance.