The influence of technological innovative capabilities on firm performance: Moderating effect of strategic agility

  • Received April 30, 2022;
    Accepted June 8, 2022;
    Published June 24, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 20 2022, Issue #2, pp. 459-470
  • Cited by
    2 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This study investigates the influence of technological innovative capabilities (TICs) on firm performance (FP) in the IT sector, with strategic agility as a moderator variable. This paper analyzes the TICs at the firm level in the service sector using the functional approach. An online structured questionnaire was adapted and refined to collect the required information on the influence of TICs dimensions on FP in the IT sector to achieve the objectives. The unit of analysis consists of top management staff and heads of departments from IT firms in Amman, Jordan. A sample of 67 IT firms was selected, and 300 questionnaires were distributed. A total number of returned responses was 223, producing a 74% response rate. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The revealed findings show that learning capability, marketing capability, organizational capability, and strategic planning capability had a significant influence on FP, whereas resource allocation capability was not significant. In addition, multiple hierarchical regression was used to test the moderating effect of strategic agility on the relationship between TICs and FP. Revealed results of the overall model to examine the moderating effect show that strategic agility is not significant in moderating the relationship between TICs dimensions and FP.

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    • Figure 1. Research model
    • Figure 2. Structural model
    • Table 1. Number and type of IT firms in Amman, 2022
    • Table 2. Demographic profile
    • Table 3. Factor analysis
    • Table 4. Correlations of TICs dimensions and FP
    • Table 5. Path coefficients and their significance
    • Table 6. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis
    • Conceptualization
      Hamza Khraim
    • Data curation
      Hamza Khraim
    • Formal Analysis
      Hamza Khraim
    • Funding acquisition
      Hamza Khraim
    • Investigation
      Hamza Khraim
    • Methodology
      Hamza Khraim
    • Project administration
      Hamza Khraim
    • Resources
      Hamza Khraim
    • Software
      Hamza Khraim
    • Supervision
      Hamza Khraim
    • Validation
      Hamza Khraim
    • Visualization
      Hamza Khraim
    • Writing – original draft
      Hamza Khraim
    • Writing – review & editing
      Hamza Khraim