Responsiveness of rural development to budget management attributes: Evidence from Ogun State, Nigeria
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #1, pp. 1-13
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The essence of local government as contained in the Nigerian Constitution is bringing government closer to the people and make them feel the impact of governance. This study examined the responsiveness of rural development to three of the attributes of public budgeting (effectiveness, openness, and adequacy) in selected local governments in Ogun State, Nigeria. The objective was to establish the functional association and interconnectedness between the explained and explanatory variables. Data were gathered through the administration of a five-point Likert scale questionnaire distributed to 800 respondents in 8 local governments in Ogun States, out of which 348, representing 43.5%, were retrieved and used for analysis. Both descriptive statistics and ordinary least square regression were utilized in the study. The result showed that three explanatory variables, namely budget effectiveness, budget openness, and budget adequacy, are positively related to rural development, although the impact of budget adequacy was shown to be insignificant. The implication is that the effectiveness of budget management and the openness of the budget in terms of transparency and accountability are more responsive and influential determinants of rural development than the adequacy of the budget estimates. The paper, therefore, recommended improvement in budget openness through more consultations and accessibility to budget information by the public as well as monitoring of projects and programs within the local council to engender development and add value to the rural dwellers.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M40, M41, M48, M49
- Figure 1. Normality distribution for BUDEFF
- Figure 2. Normality distribution for BUDOPEN
- Figure 3. Normality distribution for BUDADEQ
- Figure 4. Normality distribution for REDEV
- Figure 5. Box plot on outliers for characterization of the budget
- Table 1. Reliability test
- Table 2. Descriptive statistics of respondents
- Table 3. Descriptive statistics for attributes of budget characteristics
- Table 4. Results of the multi-collinearity test
- Table 5. Model summary
- Table 6. ANOVA
- Table 7. Regression analysis of the hypothesis
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