Talent management practices in IT companies of Ukraine: Differences in exclusive and inclusive approaches
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 436-445
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Employees, their knowledge, and skills are becoming an increasingly important factor in the performance and competitiveness of companies in the XXI century. Approaches to talent management vary around the world. The more technological the company, the more unique the technology of using human capital and the higher the level of employee stress. The aim of the study is to establish statistically significant differences in exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management in Ukrainian IT companies. The study employed methods of psychodiagnostic and descriptive statistics. The research period is from January to June 2021. The total number of respondents is 150 employees from the TOP-50 largest IT companies in Ukraine as of 2020. The population of the empirical study included 70 men (46.7%) and 80 women (53.3%) aged 21 to 40 years. The results of empirical analysis show that, indeed, the degree of employee burden in IT companies is enormous. The study empirically confirmed and theoretically proved that there are statistically significant differences in exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management. IT companies that use an exclusive approach show burnout rates at an average level (according to 38.5% of respondents), and talents are already working at the limit of their psycho-emotional resource capabilities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М12, M15
- Table 1. TOP-50 largest IT companies in Ukraine (2020)
- Table 2. IT companies of Ukraine, founded in Kyiv (2020)
- Table 3. The level of professional emotional burnout of IT employees in Ukraine according to the questionnaire “Determining the level of emotional burnout”
- Table 4. The level of professional emotional burnout among IT employees in Ukraine according to the questionnaire “Express diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout”
- Table 5. Levels of professional emotional burnout of IT employees in Ukraine according to the questionnaire “Professional burnout”
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