Factors affecting the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized enterprises of Vietnam
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #3, pp. 440-452
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The main purpose of this paper is to find and evaluate the impact of unexpected factors and institutional factors that affect the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises of Vietnam. Mixed methods were combined in this study: specifically, qualitative research methods were used based on previous studies as well as background theory was used to build factors in the research model. The quantitative method used data based on surveying 129 small and medium business owners in Vietnam using SPSS 2020 software to test a multivariable linear regression model. The results show that there are three factors affecting the implementation of management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam in the following order: (1) Viewpoints of business owners, (2) Advanced technology, and (3) Mimicry. Based on this research result, medium-sized manufacturing business owners, as well as macroeconomic managers, will have solutions to further develop management accounting techniques in medium-sized manufacturing enterprises of Vietnam.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H83, M40, M41, M49
- Table 1. Cronbach’s alpha values
- Table 2. Explanation level of the model
- Table 3. Appropriateness of the model
- Table 4. Multicollinearity test
- Table 5. Heteroskedasticity test
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