SDGs and the ability to manage change within the European green deal: The case of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #1, pp. 53-67
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The European Green Deal by the European Commission is an ambitious policy aimed at achieving a climate-neutral economy. For Ukraine, the EGD is a priority in accelerating its European integration processes until 2030. The study aims to determine the country’s ability to manage change towards the implementing the concept of sustainable development, adjusted in accordance with the European Green Deal’s provisions, based on the analysis of SDG achievements in Ukraine, as well as on the identified quantitative results of readiness for change. The ability to manage change is determined by applying methods of analysis and generalization of descriptive statistics related to aspects of sustainable development and the EGD, as well as quantifying intermediate and final integral values of change management in Ukraine in the EGD context. The relationship between the SDGs and the EGD provisions on the “need for very high sustainability – sufficiency of weak sustainability” continuum was prioritized. The proposed provisions of the cooperation program provide for a thorough analysis of Ukrainian, European and global trends in the field of climate change and relevant sustainable development policies, use of statistical data, constant monitoring of indicators characterizing the dynamics of socio-economic, environmental and demographic status of the state and regions in connection with climate change, generalization of the experience of a climate-neutral economy, green energy, European integration processes, etc. The program is interdisciplinary in nature, which allows to get a comprehensive vision and provide a systematic solution to the problem of transforming the national economy in accordance with the European Green Deal.
The paper contains the results of research conducted under the President of Ukraine’s grant Formation and Use of Natural-Resource Assets of the Recreational and Tourism Sphere (0120U100159).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q01, Q56, R11, R58
- Figure 1. Priority of linkages between SDGs and EGD provisions
- Table A1. Calculation of the integral change readiness indicator in accordance with the SDGs in Ukraine
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