The role of transformational leadership in reengineering of marketing strategies within organizations
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 364-375
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The current study aims at examining the role of transformational leadership in paving the way for well-built reengineering of marketing strategies within the healthcare sector in Jordan. Depending on a quantitative approach, 312 questionnaires were distributed to individuals within hospitals: 105 questionnaires – healthcare centers, 75 questionnaires – outpatient clinics, and 33 questionnaires – general medicine clinics in Jordan. The study results indicated as a start better employment of transformational leadership within hospitals compared to clinics and healthcare centers, which can be attributed to the size and capacity of the healthcare institution. The study also indicated an influence of transformational leadership in paving the way for reengineering of marketing strategies within the healthcare sector in Jordan attributed to all transformational leadership characteristics. Among these characteristics, it appeared that the most influential transformational leadership characteristic was “individualized consideration”, scoring a Beta value of 0.421. This meant that the individualized consideration that transformational leadership has can nurture creativity and innovation among individuals to use their talents, experiences, and skills to present new and novel approaches to managing the business. This individualized consideration helps manage the change approach that may appear within the reengineering process and cooperate with employees to embrace such change. The study recommended following transformational leadership as an approach within the organization to manage change and arm employees with a suitable leadership style that can prepare the environment for a well-prepared reengineering of marketing strategies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M30
- Table 1. Responses distribution according to the healthcare institution
- Table 2. Sample distribution according to demographics
- Table 3. Descriptive statistics
- Table 4. Questionnaire analysis
- Table 5. Testing main hypotheses
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