Human resource management in improving students’ academic achievement mediated by teacher’s performance
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 242-253
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The role of teacher is critical in improving students’ academic performance. Teacher’s performance is affected by many factors. This study analyzes and examines the effect of organizational culture, leadership style, work ethic, and work commitment on teacher’s performance and students’ academic achievement. The study applies the analytical research involving private high school teachers in the district of Jember East Java Province of Indonesia. There are 313 private high schools in Jember with more than 5,000 teachers. The sample consists of 213 respondents. The main research data were obtained by distributing the questionnaires. It uses path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect using the structural equation modeling. The results show that organizational culture, leadership style, work ethic, and work commitment have a significant positive effect both on teacher’s performance and students’ academic performance. Besides, teacher’s performance plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between the independent variables and students’ academic performance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)І21, I29, J24
- Figure 1. Path coefficient of direct and indirect effects
- Table 1. Data on respondents’ demography
- Table 2. Testing the hypotheses of direct effects
- Table 3. Hypotheses testing for indirect effects
- Table 4. Direct, indirect, and total effects
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