Innovative behavior: the study of intellectual capital effect on creative fashion industry in Bandung, Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 404-415
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Nowadays, the creative industry contributes a lot to the economic growth. Reliable human resources support the organizational success. This study investigates the employees’ innovative behavior, which is assumed to be influenced by intellectual capital. This aspect consists of human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. This survey-based research studied the creative industry employees for four months in data collection and four months for analysis and interpretation of data processing results. This study used a quantitative method to answer the proposed hypothesis. The samples were 243 employees of the creative industry in Bandung, Cimahi, Bandung Regency, and West Bandung Regency, Indonesia. For processing the data and testing the hypotheses, the research employed the Partial Least Square-SEM. The results show that there is a compelling effect on human capital, structural capital, and relational capital on innovative behavior. The R-squared value of 0.46 indicates the overall impact. This research suggests some aspects that escalate the innovative behavior. The first aspect is skill enhancement, which leads to the raising of human capital. Next, providing the facilities and infrastructure for internet network connections builds the structural capital. Moreover, offering sources of raw materials needed by employees prompts the relational capital. By carrying out those efforts, the employees’ innovative behavior can increase optimally. Research on intellectual capital currently focuses on the performance of the company and dynamic capabilities. Currently, focus on processes of intellectual capital is still in an emerging stage. This study pursues to fulfill the theoretical gap regarding the intellectual capital in which the focus of the research is on innovative behavior in the creative industry.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, M13, M19
- Figure 1. Results of calculation of research models
- Table 1. Result of validity and reliability testing
- Table 2. Respondents’ characteristics
- Table 3. Result of path coefficients and hypotheses testing
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