Methodology of complex estimation level of socio-ecological and economic development of industrial regions of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 277-288
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The article is devoted to a comprehensive assessment and improvement of the level of regional development on the basis of determining the effectiveness of the mechanism of sustainable development of the region, developing methodical principles for the formation of regional and local strategies for ensuring sustainable development.
The purpose is to substantiate the methodology and means of integral assessment to implement the principle of equalization of sustainable development of regions in the aspect of information and innovation support by means of theories of social development, systems, clustering of the economy and economic information theory.
A methodological approach was proposed for assessing the level and trends of sustainable development of the region, based on the analysis of declarations, program and final documents of UN conferences on economic, social and environmental issues. The approach is based on the use of an integral index whose evaluation and analysis results can be used to solve problems and are implemented in the process of making sound management decisions. This approach made it possible to formulate, by means of factor analysis, a refined system of indicators that characterize economic, social and environmental sustainability parameters.
The typical groups of industrial regions of Ukraine were identified and the level of socio-ecological and economic development was assessed. This made it possible, based on the procedures for reducing the dimension and constructing generalized indicators, to calculate the rating for each calculated integral indicator as a generalized estimate. The calculations that have been carried out make it possible to determine the trends of sustainable development of individual regions on the factors of development and to justify promising directions for effective growth and negative trends, which require the greatest attention from the state authorities and local self-government bodies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)О18, R13, R58
- Figure 1. Integral index of level of economic development of regions
- Figure 2. Integral index of level of socio-ecological development of regions
- Figure 3. Integral index of level of socio-ecological development of regions
- Table 1. Key indicators of sustainable development of industrial regions
- Table 2. Total variance explained
- Table 3. Matrix of components (component matrix (a))
- Table 4. Total dispersion that is explained by the first main component (Total Variance Explained)
- Table 5. Matrix of components (component matrix (a))
- Table 6. Predictions of the generalized indicator of the level of socio-ecological and economic development of regions
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