The role of knowledge management in organizational performance: case study of University of Malang, Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 230-243
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The present study puts forward a model that examines variables of human resources management practices, organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational performance. By this model, it intends to explore the effects of human resources management practices and organizational culture on organizational performance. Particularly, it intends to find out their relationship with knowledge management as a mediator. The research applies SmartPLS for data analysis, with 163 respondents by means of saturation sampling technique. The results display several facts. First, both HRD practices and organizational culture have significant effects on knowledge management. Second, while knowledge management and organizational culture have a significant effect on organizational performance, HRD practices do not significantly affect organizational performance. It makes knowledge management only serve a partial mediation between human resources management practices and organizational performance, and serve a full mediation between organizational culture and organizational performance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M20, O15
- Figure 1. Research conceptual model
- Table 1. Description of respondents
- Table 2. Model validity and reliability
- Table 3. The analytical results of direct effects
- Table 4. The results of indirect effects
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