Assessment of intellectual leadership under global competition

  • Received September 10, 2018;
    Accepted October 2, 2018;
    Published November 14, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 212-223
  • Cited by
    5 articles

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The formation of knowledge economy issues of leadership is being actualized in today’s global environment under the influence of globalization. An important aspect is the provision of subjects of various levels of intellectual leadership, which means achieving a high position in the competition due to high quality and intensity of the implementation of intellectual resources. The purpose is to justify methodological approaches to the assessment of intellectual leadership and to analyze its manifestation at the level of intellectual resources. The object is the processes of competition and achievement of intellectual leadership of countries in the global environment. The methodical approaches to the evaluation of intellectual leadership of different subjects at three levels (resources, results, outcomes) are offered. The intellectual leadership of countries at the level of resources is empirically analyzed by using the methods of comparative, system-structured, quantitative and qualitative analysis.
By the level of intellectual leadership of the first order (accumulated intellectual resources), 32 countries have been identified as leaders, including highly developed countries and emerging active players. The unconditional leaders are the United States and China, whose relative figures are lower due to the large GDP and the population. Norway and Sweden have the highest presence in all TOP lists (6 indicators), in the second place – Finland and Switzerland (5 indicators), Australia, Brazil, New Zealand at all share the third position (4 indicators). Developed countries are predominantly leaders in terms of the formation of intellectual leadership. Outsider countries get on the list of leaders by individual indicators.

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    • Figure 1. Levels of the implementation of intellectual leadership (compiled by the authors)
    • Figure 2. Key indicators of achievement of intellectual leadership first order
    • Figure 3. Share of people with higher education in OECD countries (2016), %
    • Table 1. TOP-10 countries by increase in number of students, 2005–2016
    • Table 2. Countries with the largest share of foreign students
    • Table 3. Government expenditure on education and on tertiary education as a percentage of GDP (2005–2014), %
    • Table 4. Expenditure on education (and tertiary) as a share of total public expenditures (2005–2015), %
    • Table 5. ТOP-10 countries by expenditures on R&D, GDP (2005–2016), %
    • Table 6. TOP-20 countries by total R&D personnel (in full-time equivalents and headcounts), 2005–2016
    • Table 7. TOP-20 countries: total R&D personnel per thousand total employment (in full-time equivalents), 2005–2016