An evaluation of a public relations program in promoting synergistic cooperation between schools and industries
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #4, pp. 353-364
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This evaluation study responds to the need for public relations (PR) as a management function in building and maintaining reciprocal relationships between schools and industries that are increasing dramatically. The rapid development of public relations in Indonesia is influenced by socio-cultural changes in Indonesian society, which cannot be separated from the high intensity of national development. This evaluation research aims to compare the actual implementation of a PR program to its intended objectives in promoting cooperation between schools and industries. This study used the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) with four systematic stages: (1) definition, (2) installation, (3) process, and (4) product. The finding shows that there is no discrepancy between the program’s actual implementation and its predetermined objectives. The program implementation has met the criteria of success in achieving proposed goals (good category) and the program operates as it was planned. The program aimed to foster successful collaboration between schools and industries. The scope of the partnership includes information sharing for the purposes of curriculum development, student apprenticeship and competency tests.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H75, O21
- Figure 1. The relationship among the policy, program, and activity
- Figure 2. The reciprocal relationship between Vocational Schools and industries
- Table 1. Conversion of quantitative data to qualitative data
- Table 2. Policy, program, and activities
- Tabel 3. The description of the program objectives achievement
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