Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and intentional branding

  • Received February 4, 2018;
    Accepted June 12, 2018;
    Published July 20, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 102-116
  • Cited by
    9 articles

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It has been suggested that social media marketing may be inclined more towards functional branding than intentional branding. The present study empirically examined the relationship between social media marketing strategies, intentional branding and functional branding with a view to determining where social media marketing strategies are more strongly inclined towards intentional than functional branding. Quantitative data were collected from 133 participants from Jordan marketing departments using questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study confirmed the relationship between social media marketing strategies. However, results showed that social media marketing strategies are more strongly inclined towards intentional branding than functional branding suggesting that social media marketing strategies are oriented towards intentional branding. The study recommends examining the idea of intentional branding and its role in controlling the image of the brand among customers.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework relating functional branding and intentional branding variables with social media marketing strategies
    • Table 1. Characteristics of respondents based on their age
    • Table 2. Frequency and percentage of sample characteristics according to education
    • Table 3. Frequency and percentage of sample characteristics according to experience
    • Table 4. Descriptive statistics
    • Table 5. Correlation analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding
    • Table 6. Regression analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding
    • Table 7. Correlation analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding: usability
    • Table 8. Regression analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding: usability
    • Table 9. Correlation analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding: interaction
    • Table 10. Regression analysis between social media marketing strategies and functional branding: interaction
    • Table 11. Model summary
    • Table 12. ANOVAa
    • Table 13. Model summary
    • Table 14. ANOVAa
    • Table 15. Model summary
    • Table 16. ANOVAa
    • Table 17. Descriptive statistics