Effective synergic interaction of strategic business units of diversified company
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #4, pp. 38-49
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Integration processes in the global economy promote the development of diversified integrated companies, representing a group of legally and economically independent and/or affiliated companies that carry out joint activities based on interaction and interconnections development. It is the study of the interconnections of strategic business units of diversified companies that allows to distinguish synergistic interaction features, which, in the long run, ensures the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages for companies. The main purpose of this study is to distinguish the features of the synergistic interaction of strategic business units of diversified companies and the creation of management tools for them. The authors developed and presented the simulation model for managing the interaction of strategic business units of diversified companies based on synergy and proposed an algorithm for its application in real business practice for a company operating in the building ceramic market.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M11, L20
- Figure 1. Simulation management model of SBU synergic interaction of diversified enterprises
- Figure 2. Ahromat Group business activity*
- Figure 3. SBUs’ interaction diagrams according to interaction scopes
- Figure 4. Integral matrix “interaction-synergism” for Ahromat Group
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