Analysis of chicken production trends in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #4, pp. 302-316
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Poultry farming is one of the most promising areas of production not only in Ukraine but also in the world. This is due to the high demand for protein products and increased consumption. Ukraine does not use enough of its export potential in the agrarian sector. It is precisely these circumstances lead to choosing as the basis for the research the mentioned direction of production by domestic producers.
The tendencies of the Ukrainian poultry enterprises development and features of the chicken market are generalized, namely the volume of cultivation and sale on the slaughter of poultry by Ukrainian producers, the cost price and profitability of poultry meat production have been analyzed; the specific features of the products range are defined in all competitor companies and products offered for export. The competitiveness of domestic poultry production in comparison with domestic and foreign analogues has been investigated. For the study the following enterprises as the LLS “Ptahokompleks” Gubin, TM “Pan Kurchak”, slaughter-house “Piorkowscy” and JSC “Superdrop” were taken. It is established that domestic products are competitive both in terms of price and taste properties. The dynamics of export and import of poultry meat in Ukraine and abroad is analyzed. Significant growth of poultry meat export as compared to previous periods has been revealed, which is explained by obtaining permit documents and implementation of measures by domestic producers to bring poultry products closer to international standards. The prospects for the development of the investigated production direction are designed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q18, F13
- Figure 1. Annual production of poultry for Ukraine in 2010-2016
- Figure 2. Poultry producers ABC analysis in 2016
- Figure 3. The structure of the poultry marketin 2015
- Figure 4. Analysis of the meat poultry production in Ukraine in 2010-2016 and volume of imports and exports
- Figure 5. The volume of poultry export in 2010-2016
- Figure 6. Dynamics of export prices headings in US $ / ton in 2010-2016
- Figure 7. Analysis of Ukraine’s chicken meat exports to the EU in 2013-2016
- Figure 8. Analysis of chicken meat import from the EU in 2013-2016
- Table 1.Calculation of the quality parameters group index for the examined chicken fillets
- Table 2. The results of calculation of the group index for economic parameters
- Table 3. The results of calculation of integral index for competitiveness
- Table 4. List of poultry producers that are allowed to export to EU
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