Consumer Choice Behavior during a Social Disruption
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 411-424
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This paper explores the relationship between an external socio-disruptive factor and consumer product and brand decision-making behavior. The social disruption was physical relocation, which resulted in a radical change in the toilet system, which had implications for toilet cleaning product and brands used. By using a sample calculator, a probability sample of 384 households from Cosmo City, South Africa were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The data from 332 respondents (86% response rate) were analyzed using various inferential statistical analysis techniques to test three hypotheses. Multiple regression path coefficients demonstrated positive and significant changes β=1.709, p<.0005 in the desired brand benefits following the social disruption, and that there were no significant differences β=-0.601, p<.027 between households that switched brands and those that did not. The findings underscore the importance of recognizing that consumers re-evaluate their brand choices, leading to significant brand switching in cases where the social change has a radical effect on brand usage. The results also indicate that ‘out-of-market’ changes such as a radical social change have the same impact on consumer brand behavior and brand choice, as “in-market” disruptions such as the introduction of an innovative brand. The findings have strategy implications for marketers of toilet cleaning products in particular and consumer goods in general.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, R23
- Figure 1. Hypothesized model
- Table 1. Reliability of the research instrument
- Table 2. KMO and Bartlett’s test
- Table 3. Output of factor analysis
- Table 4. Rotated factor analysis
- Table 5. Brand switching – binominal test results
- Table 6. Reasons for switching brands
- Table 7. Reasons for choosing a brand
- Table 8. Outcome of regression analysis
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