Economic conditions of the functioning and existence of asymmetry in the development of transport services markets of Ukraine

  • Published March 29, 2017
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  • DOI
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    Volume 15 2017, Issue #1, pp. 93-98
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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The achievement of the desired level of efficiency in the functioning of the markets of goods and services is possible under the conditions of equilibrium of these processes on the global scale. The paper is focused on the worldwide tendencies in the development of the markets of goods and services, on their disproportional development. The relationship of the received results with the nature of functioning of economic systems and its interaction with the sphere of transport is determined. The article considers the importance of tendencies in the development of the world economic system for Ukraine, the degree of inclusion of transport into the global processes. It identifies the need to consider the asymmetry in the development levels of the markets of goods and transport services on the international and the national scale, assessing the level of deviation from the state of symmetry. It substantiates the necessity in eliminating disproportions depending on the level and type of asymmetries and taking into account the global tendencies.

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    • Fig. 1. Indicators of the level of economic processes asymmetry on the international scale
    • Fig. 2. Indicators of the level of economic processes asymmetry in Ukraine
    • Table 1. Some indicators of development of the world economy, percent change to the previous year
    • Table 2. The main economic characteristics of development in Ukraine
    • Тable 3. Industrial production in Ukraine according to types of activity (several types)
    • Table 4. Indicators of cargo volumes according to the types of transport (% to the previous year)
    • Table 5. Transportation of cargoes according to the types of transport in Ukraine, mln tons
    • Table 6. Export-import indexes of Ukraine
    • Table 7. Analyse results of asymmetry level of researched objects
    • Table 8. Export volumes of the regions of Ukraine, 2014