Monitoring the level of sustainable development of the enterprise
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #1 (cont.), pp. 210-219
- Cited by
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The paper presents a comprehensive approach to monitoring the level of sustainable development of the enterprise. The basic principles and elements of forming the system of monitoring sustainable development of the enterprise were considered and systematized. The paper provides an analysis of existing approaches to assessing the sustainability of the enterprise during its development. The analysis of the results of monitoring the sustainable development of the enterprise allows to record stable and unstable periods of its development, which helps managers choose the strength of management impact according to the current situation. The theoretical foundations of the concept of sustainable development of economic systems are elucidated on the basis of the analysis of scientific publications. The authors have pointed out the importance of introducing the concept of sustainable development and possible benefits from its use. The enterprises implementing the sustainable development strategy in Ukraine have been highlighted. Based on the results of the study, the information and analytical content of the monitoring system for sustainable development of some processing enterprises of Ukraine was substantiated. The analysis of the application directions of the sustainable concept development has been carried out and a practical example of the information implementation and analytical system for monitoring the sustainable development of a food industry enterprise has been examined using as an example the Obolon Corporation, Kiev. The positive experience of using this method of monitoring the sustainable development of the Obolon Corporation should become an example for most processing enterprises in Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)А100, C190, C520, O100
- Fig. 1. Areas of sustainable development and the role of monitoring in the achievement of sustainable development
- Fig. 2. SDE monitoring system as part of an enterprise management system
- Fig. 3. Principles and conditions for the implementation of sustainable development concept in the SDE monitoring
- Fig. 4. The logical sequence of monitoring and use of the information of the monitoring of sustainable development of the enterprise
- Fig. 5. Organizational system of the SDE monitoring
- Fig. 6. Structural logic diagram of designing and constructing a monitoring system for sustainable development of the enterprise
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