An empirical evidence: supplier behavior in the natural materials of buyer – supplier relationship
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #1 (cont.), pp. 158-165
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This research is a case study belonging to the historical research. The data were taken from the Department of Natural Product Buying and Financial and Controlling XYZ CORP. XYZ CORP is a manufacturing enterprise and exporter of clove oil and its derivatives to the world with a market share of about 55% of the world market. This study aims to empirically examine and study the ethical behavior of suppliers in the ever-changing business environment. The analysis tool used is the Mann Whitney test with SPSS 17.0 software. Based on the survey results it was revealed that for natural raw materials, the average purchase price between the rainy season and the dry season does not differ significantly, but the cost of purchase in the dry season, and the rainy season varies significantly. In this study, the price does not affect the acquisition of raw materials purchased from suppliers. The results of this study also obtained empirical evidence that the trading patterns of natural raw materials are strongly influenced by the behavior or ethics of suppliers, in addition to weather factors or uncertain climate.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q31, Q37
- Fig. 1. The price and the number of acquisition
- Fig. 2. Average price of purchase until December 2012
- Fig. 3. Purchase price until March 2013 (after price lowered)
- Fig. 4. Acquisition patterns of clove oil until March 2013
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