Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on project efficiency enhancement
Article InfoVolume 8 2024, Issue #2, pp. 109-126
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on project management (PM) across different industries. It aims to assess how AI adoption in PM affects project efficiency. The study surveyed 159 project supervisors and specific project managers implementing projects from 7 industries in the Republic of Kazakhstan: software, green energy, engineering, construction, science, transport, and tourism. The research used variance and linear regression analyses to evaluate the relationship between AI adoption and project efficiency level measured by the Likert scale from 1 to 5 and test the associated hypotheses. The results show that AI adoption varies among industries, with software, construction, and scientific projects being the most active users. The study also found that the use of AI differed across eight project performance domains, with the stakeholder domain using voice technologies and process automation and the uncertainty domain using fewer tools. Projects with higher AI adoption rates showed higher efficiency scores (for example, in Software projects, the AI adoption rate is 3.2; the efficiency rate is 3.3), while those with lower efficiency levels (for example, in the Tourism industry, the AI adoption rate is 1.9; the efficiency rate is 2.2) showed the worst results. Decision-making systems, process automation, and voice technologies are the three most critical AI technologies PM professionals use to improve project efficiency.
This research has been funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP19680313).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O32, D83, M10
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. Frequency of using AI tools
- Figure 3. AI adoption score across domains
- Table 1. Classification of AI technologies in the literature
- Table 2. Frequently mentioned AI tools in the PM literature
- Table 3. PPDs, as per the PMBoK guide
- Table 4. Experience of the respondents
- Table 5. Distribution of respondents by project type and experience level
- Table 6. Reliability test results
- Table 7. AI adoption and project efficiency by project industries
- Table 8. AI technologies adoption ranks among PM performance domains
- Table 9. AI adoption and project efficiency by the PM performance domains
- Table 10. Rank of critical AI tools for enhancing project efficiency
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