Intergenerational management in the group of people subjected to job reintegration as a form of maintaining social security potential in Poland
Article InfoVolume 3 2019, Issue #1, pp. 1-5
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The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical reflection and results of a pilot study research on intergenerational management in the group of participants of Centrum Integracji Społecznej (later called: Social Integration Centre) in Jeleśnia who underwent job reintegration and can socially improve the social potential of internal security. The concept of national identity and intergenerational awareness in terms of ensuring the social security potential of the country depends in reintegration groups on the broadly understood level of diversity of the team. An important feature of intergenerational management in socially reintegrated groups is situational awareness, mutual respect and a sense of group unity with the leader and vice versa. The mere fact that intergenerational management in relation to security management, the essence of which is to ensure social security potential, is becoming an indispensable issue from a practical point of view (Cf. Ponomarenko & Khudolei, & Prokopenko, & Klisinski, 2018). On the other hand, however, research in the area of management, which is also in the humanities area (Kostera, 2005, 2015), makes it possible to discover new methods and opportunities for the development of social security potential through intergenerational cooperation based on the methods of social education philosophy The article therefore has a quasi-empirical and interdisciplinary nature, as it uses terminology, concepts and thematic scope from the fields of management, security, and elements of upbringing studies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I28, J62, M55
- Table 1. Description of the research group
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