The impact of reconciliation quality in strategic alliances on financial innovation: The case of Moroccan institutions


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Operators of financial institutions in developing economies have a significant impact on economic activity by funding innovative initiatives. However, the lack of existing documentation to demonstrate the empirical relationships between financial innovation and the quality of the partnership relationship between these institutions represents a major gap in strategic and international management.
This paper presents an empirical study aimed at uncovering the results of the quality of financial institutions’ relationships regarding innovation within strategic alliances.
Using a qualitative research model, the study explores the positive influence of the quality of the relationship on financial innovation within Moroccan financial institutions engaged in strategic alliances. Four research hypotheses were tested using regression analysis on a sample of 34 strategic alliances formed by Moroccan financial institutions during the reference periods of 2018–2022.
The empirical results show that the quality of reconciliation relationships among Moroccan financial institutions has significantly contributed to their financial innovation. It is particularly crucial to combine two essential characteristics: mutual trust and partner commitment. On the other hand, mechanisms of mutual exchange and communication do not significantly affect financial innovation. The study underscores the importance of promoting high-quality ties within strategic alliances to foster financial innovation in Moroccan financial institutions. This emphasizes the significance of trust and mutual commitment between partners in promoting innovation in the financial sector.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual model
    • Table 1. Results of the validity and reliability of measurement scales
    • Table 2. Regression indices of the ANOVA model
    • Table 3. Summary of the models
    • Table 4. Coefficients of individual significance
    • Table 5. Synthesis of hypotheses results
    • Conceptualization
      Ahmed El Hammoumi, Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Data curation
      Ahmed El Hammoumi, Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Formal Analysis
      Ahmed El Hammoumi, Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Investigation
      Ahmed El Hammoumi
    • Project administration
      Ahmed El Hammoumi, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Software
      Ahmed El Hammoumi, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Validation
      Ahmed El Hammoumi
    • Methodology
      Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Resources
      Nabil Seghyar
    • Supervision
      Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Visualization
      Nabil Seghyar, Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Writing – original draft
      Nabil Seghyar
    • Funding acquisition
      Abdelaziz Berdi
    • Writing – review & editing
      Abdelaziz Berdi