Forecasting based on spectral time series analysis: prediction of the Aurubis stock price
Article InfoVolume 17 2020, Issue #4, pp. 215-227
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The attempt to predict stock price movements has occupied investors ever since. Reliable forecasts are a basis for investment management, and improved forecasting results lead to enhanced portfolio performance and sound risk management. While forecasting using the Wiener process has received great attention in the literature, spectral time series analysis has been disregarded in this respect. The paper’s main objective is to evaluate whether spectral time series analysis can produce reliable forecasts of the Aurubis stock price. Aurubis poses a suitable candidate for an investor’s portfolio due to its sound economic and financial situation and the steady dividend policy. Additionally, reliable management contributes to making Aurubis an investment opportunity. To judge if the achieved forecast results can be considered satisfactory, they are compared against the simulation results of a Wiener process. After de-trending the time series using an Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, the residuals were compartmentalized into sine and cosine functions. The frequencies, amplitude, and phase were obtained using the Fast Fourier transform. The mean absolute percentage error measured the accuracy of the stock price prediction, and the results showed that the spectral analysis was able to deliver superior results when comparing the simulation using a Wiener process. Hence, spectral time series can enhance stock price forecasts and consequently improve risk management.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F17, G15, G17
- Figure 1. Decomposition of Aurubis stock price
- Figure 2. Periodogram
- Figure 3. Comparison of simulation results vs the realized stock price
- Table 1. Fourier components
- Table 2. Aurubis stock forecasts
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