Investment activities of banks, insurance companies, and non-government pension funds in Ukraine


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Successful solution of main problems and contradictions in the development of financial intermediaries’ investment activities largely depends on their timely detection, which is facilitated using trend forecasting models. The research aims to determine the current investment potential of financial intermediaries in the Ukrainian economy, find out the features and general problems, and identify the main perspective directions for the development of their investment activities. The article reveals the main internal and external factors and the source of development and inhibition of Ukrainian banks’ investment activities, insurance companies, and non-government pension funds. Based on the analysis, the investment structure patterns for key groups of financial intermediaries were defined. The forecast of their investments for 2020–2022 allows comparing the investment activities of selected financial intermediaries and offering conditions for the intensification of investment activities for banks (formation of reserves and cash flows control), insurance companies (to develop investment strategies), and private pension funds (to allow investing funds in collateralized government debt securities).

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    • Figure 1. Trend model of investment volume of Ukrainian banks
    • Figure 2. Trend model of investment volume of IC and NPF
    • Figure 3. Forecasting the volume of investment by financial intermediaries for 2020–2022
    • Table 1. Main indicators of financial intermediaries functioning in Ukraine, 2009–2018
    • Table 2. Results of basic parameters forecast
    • Funding acquisition
      Serhiy Reverchuk, Olga Vovchak, Tetyana Yavorska, Lyudmyla Voytovych
    • Methodology
      Serhiy Reverchuk
    • Project administration
      Serhiy Reverchuk
    • Validation
      Serhiy Reverchuk, Olga Vovchak
    • Supervision
      Olga Vovchak
    • Conceptualization
      Tetyana Yavorska
    • Data curation
      Tetyana Yavorska, Lyudmyla Voytovych, Olesya Irshak
    • Resources
      Tetyana Yavorska, Lyudmyla Voytovych
    • Visualization
      Tetyana Yavorska
    • Writing – original draft
      Tetyana Yavorska, Lyudmyla Voytovych
    • Formal Analysis
      Lyudmyla Voytovych, Olesya Irshak
    • Investigation
      Lyudmyla Voytovych
    • Writing – review & editing
      Lyudmyla Voytovych
    • Software
      Olesya Irshak