Current status and prospects of development of the system of agrarian insurance in Ukraine

  • Received May 14, 2018;
    Accepted June 26, 2018;
    Published July 16, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 15 2018, Issue #3, pp. 56-70
  • Cited by
    8 articles

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Under the conditions of the development of market relations, the insurance protection of agricultural producers plays an essential role in the economic stabilization of their development. Insurance can be one of the most effective tools for managing production, market and legal risks, but agricultural insurance is not well developed in the country. The purpose of the article is to study the current state and prospects for further development of the Ukrainian agrarian insurance system, based on developing the strategy of development of the latter with maximum consideration of needs and interests of all its participants.
General scientific methods of scientific knowledge and research of economic phenomena are used for the achievement of the goal set in the article, such as the abstract-logical method, comparison method, monographic method, tabular method, graphical and scientific generalization.
The article investigates features of the present state and general tendencies of functioning of the Ukrainian agrarian insurance system and outlines general features and prospects of further development of the latter, which are based on development of the strategy of system development with maximum consideration of needs and interests of all its participants. A set of principles is defined on which the strategy of development of the Ukrainian agricultural insurance system should be based and their further functioning in the format of the model of private-public partnership is proposed within the framework of the developed strategy. This represents a balance between public-private partnerships. The results of the study can be used for further scientific developments in this direction. The implementation of the measures proposed in the framework of the strategy for the development of the Ukrainian agrarian insurance system through the effective use of state resources and maximum use of the agrarian market and the insurance market should ensure stability of both agricultural production in general and income of the rural population in particular. This is a prerequisite for stable economic growth of the country and an increase in the welfare of its citizens.

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    • Figure 1. Production of agricultural products by sector and its share in GDP of Ukraine
    • Figure 2. Share of agriculture in GDP of the most developed European countries in the field of agricultural production (in 2017)
    • Figure 3. Main tendencies of the Ukrainian agricultural business market in the period 2005–2017
    • Figure 4. Insurance payments in the context of agricultural crops and seasonal gradation, 2017
    • Figure 5. Data on animal insurance in 2017
    • Figure 6. Types of insurance products offered in the Ukrainian agricultural insurance market in 2017
    • Figure 7. Number (units) and share (%) of insurance companies in the Ukrainian agricultural insurance market
    • Figure 8. The share of the insured area in the total crop area of agricultural crops in Ukraine in the period 2005–2017
    • Figure 9. Dominates of the agricultural insurance direction for different entities
    • Figure 10. Models of state regulation of insurance protection in the agrarian sector of the economy
    • Figure 11. Typical characteristics of state support models and private-public partnerships operating in international practice
    • Table 1. Consolidated insurance data in the context of agricultural crops, 2017