Fiscal interest of the state and respecting the rights and legitimate interests of the taxable entities in case of refund of excess remission of value added tax
Article InfoVolume 14 2017, Issue #2 (cont. 1), pp. 207-217
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The authors of this article, based on the principle of legitimacy, state that tax authorities in tax proceedings protect not only the fiscal interests of the state as a priority, but at the same time they are obliged to maintain the rights and legitimate interests of the taxable entities, analyze the current legislation of the tax audit in aspect of permissible statutory length of its duration and its impact on the process of refund of excess remission of VAT to the taxable entities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M41, M42, H25
- Figure 1. Number of tax audits performed in the period 2009–2015
- Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax as amended by Certain Acts.
- Act No. 511/1992 Coll. on Administration of Taxes and Fees and on Changes in the System of Regional Financial Authorities, as amended.
- Act No. 563/2009 Coll. on Tax Administration (Tax Procedure Code) and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts.
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- Constitution of the Slovak Republic Act No. 460/1992 Coll. as amended by the constitutional Acts.
- Council Directive 2006/112/ EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax.
- Finding of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, Ref. No. III. ÚS 24/2010 of 29 June 2010.
- Finding of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, Ref. No. I. ÚS 241/07 of 18 September 2008.
- Finding of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, Ref. No. IV. ÚS 666/02.
- Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 10 July 2008. Case C-25/07 (Alicja Sosnowska).
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- Order of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 21 October 2015. Case C-120/15 (Kovozber).
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- The explanatory memorandum to the government bill which amends Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax and which amends Act No. 331/2011 Coll., which amends Act No. 563/2009 Coll. on Tax Administration (Tax Procedure Code) and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts.
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