Online fashion consumerism among women: The interplay of digital experiences and decision-making – a mediated moderated analysis
Article InfoVolume 20 2024, Issue #4, pp. 245-262
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This research examines how digital experiences on social media influence women’s buying behavior towards online fashion. Furthermore, it examines how challenges moderate these purchase decisions, and how attitudes mediate these purchase decisions. The research executed in Southern Karnataka state of India obtained the responses from 800 women employed through a formal questionnaire and a systematic method of selection. The measurement models and structural models were examined using AMOS 23. The study indicates that when women engage with social media and gain easy access to information and feedback through reviews, they develop a stronger positive outlook on buying fashion. These favourable opinions lead directly to consumer buying choices and additionally shape the relationship between the digital experience and their purchasing patterns on online sites. The issues regarding online shopping discourage the transformation of positive views into real transactions. The results reveal that ease of use, exemplified by intuitive navigation (β = 0.188) and easy access to product information, positively affect consumer attitudes. Electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM), including reviews and recommendations (β = 0.456), also significantly boosts trust, leading to higher purchase intentions. Attitude acts as a strong mediator, with its effect on buying behavior showing a β coefficient of 0.609. However, challenges like concerns over data privacy and difficulties in verifying review authenticity negatively affect the attitude-behavior relationship, with a moderating effect of β = -0.092. The findings show the necessity for more robust data protection laws and better accessibility of online reviews to minimize seen threats and enhance shopper trust in digital clothing shopping.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, D91, L81
- Figure 1. Conceptual model of the study
- Figure 2. Structural equation model
- Figure 3. Mediating effect of attitude between digital experience factors and buying behavior
- Figure 4. Moderation effect of challenges
- Figure 5. Moderating role of challenges between attitude and buying behavior
- Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents
- Table 2. Discriminant validity test results
- Table 3. Direct effect
- Table 4. Mediating effect of attitude between digital experience factors and buying behavior
- Table 5. Moderating role challenges between attitude and buying behavior
- Table A1. Factor loadings, Alpha coefficient, Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) results
- Table B1. PART-I: demographic profile
- Table B2. PART-II kindly give your agreement level on following statements
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