Impact of brand name and pricing on Kazakhstan Gen Z consumer behavior


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The objective of the research is to examine the impact of brand name and pricing on Kazakhstan Gen Z consumers’ buying behavior, spending patterns, and other buying motives. Adopting a quantitative approach, the study administers a structured questionnaire following a comprehensive analysis of the relevant literature and gleaned responses from 300 Generation Z consumers after checking the reliability and validity of the instrument using Cronbach’s alpha. The selected hypotheses were tested using the Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation, which revealed that brand name significantly impacts Kazakh women, and price greatly influences both genders. The results observed that price has the most significant effect on the buying behavior of female and male Gen Z consumers in Kazakhstan, with 25 and 28 percent, respectively. Brand name and authenticity considerably influence female consumers, with 16 and 15 percent, whereas innovation, technology, and customization, with 20 and 14 percent, influence male consumers. The significant influence of branding and pricing on the buying behavior of Kazakhstan Gen Z customers is displayed, and the findings provide a focal context for developing marketing plans in this first-of-its-kind research article.

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    • Table 1. Spending patterns of Kazakhstan Generation Z consumers
    • Table 2. Buying motives of Kazakhstan Generation Z consumers
    • Table 3. Hypotheses testing
    • Conceptualization
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Formal Analysis
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Methodology
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Project administration
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, Zhanaidar Zulpaidar
    • Supervision
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri
    • Writing – original draft
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri, Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Writing – review & editing
      Rajasekhara Mouly Potluri
    • Data curation
      Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Investigation
      Zhanaidar Zulpaidar
    • Validation
      Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin
    • Visualization
      Zhanaidar Zulpaidar, Sultanamir Kurmangazin