A data science-based marketing decision support system for brand management
Article InfoVolume 19 2023, Issue #2, pp. 38-50
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
To improve the marketing activity and brand management and justify the most effective marketing decisions, organizations should implement different information technologies, mathematical methods and models into the marketing decision support system (MDSS). The goal of this paper is to form an architecture of an MDSS, the model base of which is developed on Data Science tools, in particular regression analysis and machine learning methods. The proposed MDSS is a multi-agent information system comprising nine intellectual agents (market environment monitoring, data processing, marketing mix modeling, price policy support, portfolio management, strategic analysis, forecasting, customer segmentation, and customer classification). The functionality of these agents is realized through Data Science, which allows for the optimization of marketing activities (e.g., an effective brand management strategy and its elements (portfolio strategy, price policy, and media strategy) or solving the problems of attracting new and retaining current customers with the maximal return on marketing investments). The MDSS analyzes the marketing environment, media activity, and business indicators by constructing different models and forecasting various combinations of marketing factors to select the best one. The joint work of MDSS agents provides decision-makers with interactive reports. The research findings offer a scientific basis for making effective marketing decisions based on data, and the proposed MDSS can become part of an intelligent system for planning marketing activities.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M30, C10, С61, D81
- Figure 1. Architecture of the proposed multi-agent MDSS for brand management
- Figure 2. Example of the optimal level of the price index considering the growth of market share in money
- Figure 3. Approach to the formation of an effective portfolio marketing strategy
- Table 1. General functional structure of the multi-agent MDSS “Brand’s marketing management system”
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