Influence of light and color of advertising photography on consumers’ purchase intention


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With the rapid progress of information technology, short video advertising has flourished, and the performance of advertising images can stimulate consumers’ purchase behavior through short video platforms. Drawing on stimulus-organization-response (S-O-R) theory, this study explored the moderating role of short video platforms on the relationship between light and color of advertising photography and brand image and the mediating role of brand image between light and color and consumers’ purchase intention. The data were collected using a questionnaire focusing on consumers who purchased detergent products in major supermarkets in East China. The survey covered 200 respondents from different industries, genders, and education levels in various provinces and cities in East China. Collected data were analyzed using regression analysis. It was found that the light and color of advertising photography have a facilitating effect on consumers’ purchase intention. Furthermore, brand image mediates the relationship between light and color and consumers’ purchase intention. Finally, short video platforms can moderate the relationship between light and color and brand image. This study will encourage scholars to use the S-O-R model in academic research to investigate how advertising affects consumers’ purchase intention and guide companies to use short video platforms to advertise and increase product sales.

This paper is part of the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Management, Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth International Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS), Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-OK, Thailand. The researchers would like to thank all cited experts that contributed to this study.

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    • Figure 1. Line chart of moderating effect
    • Table 1. Sample distribution
    • Table 2. Mean, variance and Pearson correlation coefficient of main variables
    • Table 3. VIF values
    • Table 4. Linear regression coefficients of the relationship between light and color and consumers’ purchase intention
    • Table 5. Linear regression coefficients of the relationship between light and color and brand image
    • Table 6. Linear regression coefficients of the relationship between brand image and consumers’ purchase intention
    • Table 7. Linear regression coefficients of the relationship between light and color and consumers’ purchase intention
    • Table 8. Linear regression coefficients of the relationship between light and color, brand image, and consumers’ purchase intention
    • Table 9. Moderating effect coefficients
    • Conceptualization
      Fenglei Chen, Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Data curation
      Fenglei Chen
    • Formal Analysis
      Fenglei Chen
    • Investigation
      Fenglei Chen, Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Methodology
      Fenglei Chen
    • Software
      Fenglei Chen
    • Validation
      Fenglei Chen
    • Visualization
      Fenglei Chen, Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Writing – original draft
      Fenglei Chen, Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Writing – review & editing
      Fenglei Chen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Supervision
      Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, Thitinan Chankoson
    • Resources
      Thitinan Chankoson