Institutional aspects of the social enterprises’ sector development (case for Poland and Ukraine)
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #1, pp. 17-29
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The potential contribution of social enterprises to work integration, job creation, and service delivery remains largely unrealized both in Poland and Ukraine. This paper focuses on the analysis of the role of social economy and social enterprises sector in providing employment opportunities and wide range of services for group of interest. One of the major obstacles to the discussion and study of the topic is the lack of a clear and concise definition. It is requiring investigating evolution of social enterprise as a concept and as a sector of the Polish and Ukrainian economies. Institutional aspects and legal frameworks are considered in order to define the appropriate eco-system for social enterprises sector support and fostering. Attention was also paid to frame of the policy for social enterprises support and ongoing decentralization of public authority that is allowing to clarify what level of authority should be responsible for concrete policy measures elaborating.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L38, P13
- Fig. 1. Number of social economy enterprises per 10 thousand inhabitants in EU
- Table 1. The fields of activity of social enterprises in Europe
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