The impact of environmental disclosure on value relevance: Moderating role of environmental performance
Received March 31, 2023;Accepted September 7, 2023;Published September 18, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 14 2023, Issue #2, pp. 69-86
Cited by2 articlesJournal title: Accounting and Financial ControlArticle title: Toward a novel Sustainability Transparency Index for improved governance in agri-food value chains: A comparative study of Finnish and Ukrainian companiesDOI: 10.21511/afc.05(1).2024.06Volume: 5 / Issue: 1 / First page: 68 / Year: 2024Contributors: Inna Makarenko, Bodo Steiner, Kateryna YuhaiJournal title: Environmental EconomicsArticle title: The role of environmental performance in mediating the relationship between green accounting and corporate social responsibilityDOI: 10.21511/ee.15(1).2024.04Volume: 15 / Issue: 1 / First page: 46 / Year: 2024Contributors: Dwi Ratmono, Rasid Mail, Nur Cahyonowati, Dyah N. A. Janie
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Existing research lacks to adequately examine how environmental performance moderates the influence of environmental disclosure on value relevance. This study pursues to investigate the direct influence of environmental disclosures on value relevance, measured by the fair value of common equity. Moreover, it tests how environmental performance moderates the influence of environmental disclosures on value relevance.
Data were gathered from the annual reports of Jordanian industrial firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2021. The study employed the Ohlson model to assess the value relevance. Furthermore, both earnings and the book value of equity were included as other independent variables, as required by the model.
This study found that environmental disclosures positively impact the value relevance of industrial firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. Moreover, such disclosures positively influence the value relevance of industrial firms with greater environmental performance. Earnings and the book value of equity also positively influence the value relevance. The results were similar to those obtained by conducting panel regression after controlling for both the industry and year effects.
It is therefore recommended that directors exploit environmental disclosures to increase the value relevance of the firm. At the same time, they should consider environmental disclosures as an essential component to integrate into future strategies. Hence, firm managers should consistently evaluate the environmental and financial performance, followed by developing well-designed strategies to increase the environmental performance and reliability of environmental disclosure due to their positive role in enhancing value relevance.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M41, Q56
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Number of firms by industry
- Table 2. Definitions of variable and source
- Table 3. Descriptive analysis of study variables
- Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficient
- Table 5. Regression analysis to examine the impact of environmental disclosure on value relevance
- Table 6. Regression analysis to examine the impact of environmental disclosure on value relevance and the impact of environmental performance on this relationship
- Table A1. Variables included in environmental disclosures and environmental performance indices
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Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Data curation
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Formal Analysis
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Project administration
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Writing – original draft
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
Writing – review & editing
Mohammad Saleh Altarawneh
The impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of public shareholding companies in Jordan
Shaker Al-Qudah, Abdallah Mishael Obeidat
, Hosam Shrouf , Mohammed A. Abusweilem
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 219-230 Views: 3483 Downloads: 3441 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPerformance management (PM) is a common practice used by organizations to assess and manage employees’ work. Much of PM research is closely related to management practices. Corporations in the public and nonprofit sector continuously develop PM programs to ensure the sustainability of their organizations.
The study aims to analyze the impact of strategic human resources planning on the organizational performance of Jordanian public shareholding companies for senior management and functional unit managers (human resources, marketing, finance, and accounting). The researchers surveyed all the public shareholding companies registered with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) in 2019, wherein they found that only 60 companies applied strategic planning and human resources planning (HRP) together. Two hundred and twenty questionnaires were distributed in 52 companies surveyed, and 203 were adopted for statistical analysis. Several statistical methods were used, most notably the multiple regression analysis. The researchers found out a statistically significant impact of the strategic human resources planning (integration of HRP and strategic planning; strategic participation) on organizational performance. The results showed that adopting the strategic HRP dimensions leads to an increase in an organization’s overall productivity, employee satisfaction and reputation, as well as reduced operating costs. HR managers must understand the effectiveness of strategically designed HR practices across functions. -
Human resources staffing process and its impact on job involvement: Irbid District Electricity Company as a case study
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #2 pp. 254-266 Views: 2850 Downloads: 489 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aimed to identify the level of practicing the human resources staffing process and the level of the employees’ job involvement in the Irbid District Electricity Company in Jordan; it also aimed to examine the impact of human resources staffing process on the employees’ job involvement. The study adopted the descriptive, analytical method, since it determines the characteristics of the phenomenon, describes its nature accurately and then determines the quality of the relationship between its variables. The study population included all the individuals in the senior and middle administrative levels by 100 individuals. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers prepared a questionnaire to examine the study variables. One hundred questionnaires were distributed to each manager, deputy manager, and department head in the Irbid District Electricity Company out of which the researchers retrieved 97 questionnaires valid for analysis. In order to analyze the data collected, the study relies on the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) where the descriptive statistics for all the fields of the study were estimated. The correlation matrix was also used to determine the relationship between variables. Furthermore, multiple regressions were used to determine the impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The findings showed that the level of practicing the human resources staffing process and the employees’ job involvement at Irbid District Electricity Company (IDECO) was moderate. The findings of the study showed that the process of human resources staffing was positively associated with the job involvement where the Pearson coefficient was r= .851 and at level of significance of 0.00. The research data have also indicated that the human resources staffing process had a positive impact on the employees’ job involvement. The study recommended that the procedures of staffing in all organizations should focus on achieving the fit between the employee and his job through focusing on choosing employees whose knowledge, skills and abilities correspond to the requirements of vacant jobs and also through implementing different tests and selection interviews, which help choose the person whose traits fit the job requirements. The study has also indicated that the recommended organizations should also pay attention to the job design process where the focus is on designing jobs in a way that creates a challenge, and enables employees feel independence and joy during the job; in this method, the employee can be more involved and can work in an effective way.
Determinants of foreign portfolio investment: the case of Jordan
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 328-336 Views: 2627 Downloads: 836 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study investigates the determinants of foreign portfolio investment in Jordan using series of data covering the period from 2000 to 2016. Eight independent variables were employed. They are: aggregate economic activity, inflation, interest rate differentiation, stock market performance, risk diversification, country creditworthiness, governance, and corruption. The regression results show that good and stable macroeconomic environment attracts foreign investors. In addition, foreign investors prefer to invest in the capital market which provides an opportunity of risk diversification. A country that has enough liquidity to meet its obligation, and has well-governed environment attracts more portfolio investment. The results of the study provide empirical evidence about the factors that have a significant impact on the flow of foreign portfolio investment to Jordan. These factors can be utilized when formulating polices by the specialized authorities who are seeking to attract more portfolio investment.