Aligning the social, environmental, and economic interests of “green growth” of the Ukrainian nature reserve fund objects
Article InfoVolume 10 2019, Issue #1, pp. 93-104
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The article is devoted to the issues of forming the institutional basis for “green growth” of the Ukrainian Nature Reserve Fund territories in the context of aligning the society’s social, environmental, and economic interests. The methodological approaches to forming the institutional basis for “green growth” of the Ukrainian Nature Reserve Fund territories in conditions of the need to transform the approaches regarding the interaction with small and medium-sized businesses were developed. The main focus is on the issues of studying the existing institutional risks, institutional “traps,” and ensuring the stakeholders’ functional interaction. The proposed scheme for managing and planning the spatial development of the Nature Reserve Fund territories is based on business planning, “micro-K modeling” method, strategic monitoring method. Based on the complex combination of ecosystemic and polyfunctional approaches, the typology of Nature Reserve Fund territories management functions and “green growth” indicators system was defined. The institutional framework was formed, which enables to ensure aligning the society’s social, environmental, and economic interests.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q23, Q26, Q28
- Table 1. Institutional and financial, normative tasks and indicators of the NRF “green growth”
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