Labor migration through the prism of value judgments of a worker


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With the development of globalization, labor migration is an increasingly commonplace in many nations worldwide. For Ukraine, the population of the working people emigrating to find work elsewhere has reached a significant scale. The scale of this labor migration currently emanating from Ukraine, significantly affects the structure of its labor market, level of incomes, and overall social structure within the country. It can be argued that the dynamics of the development of this process is due not only to objective factors, but also to the subjective perceptions of workers in regards to justice in the economic systems of nations around the world. The purpose of the article is to determine the specificity of the value component manifestation in the formation of human decisions in the long-term choice of the country of activity. An interdisciplinary approach to the value component in the formation of decisions of a person under development of globalization on the border of economic and psychological sciences has been implemented. The methodical basis used for this research includes the theory of justice, expectations, and decision-making. As a result, an approach has been developed to compare a migrant worker’s perception of the level of justice found in different countries and to identify common behaviors endemic amongst those choosing a labor market in different countries in the onset of developing globalization. For example, Ukrainian builders and unskilled workers perceive the domestic labor market as 2 to 5 times unfair, com-pared to the most popular countries of labor migration. Thus, it is shown that the level of perceived injustice by Ukrainian workers is rather high. It significantly influences the decision on labor migration and has a subjective significance when forming an attitude to the measures of regulation of the labor market context.

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    • Figure 1. Теоретична структура алгоритму розгляду ціннісної складової формування рішень людини
    • Figure 2. Відносні індекси відчуття несправедливості в будівельної сфері за країнами: 1 – Польща; 2 – Чехія; 3 – Італія; 4 – Україна
    • Figure 3. Відносні індекси відчуття несправедливості некваліфікованими працівниками за країнами: 1 – Польща; 2 – Чехія; 3 – Італія; 4 – Україна
    • Figure 4. Динаміка обсягів приватних грошових переказів в Україну
    • Figure 5. Формування «ординарної особи»
    • Table 1. Структура потоків зовнішніх міграцій з України
    • Table 2. Середня заробітна плата в будівельної сфері та некваліфікованих