Evaluation of personnel readiness to implementing of electronic business technologies
Article InfoVolume 18 2019, Issue #1, pp. 1-8
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The technology for evaluating the personnel readiness for the implementing of e-business technologies is developed, which includes the following steps: development of a list of competencies reflecting staff readiness for the introduction of e-business technologies; building a questionnaire to assess the level of development of staff competencies for each e-business technology; formation of a matrix of pairwise comparisons to determine the relative importance of competencies; personnel questioning; survey of experts; verification of the degree of consistency of expert opinions; definition of integral assessment of personnel readiness. The value of the developed technology is in determining the most important personnel competencies required to interact with the selected e-business technologies in business processes. The developed technology is tested at the enterprises of the machine-building industry of Ukraine. The selection of the most competent personnel for interaction with the e-business technologies in specific business processes is based on the developed technology. The competencies that are specific and necessary for the use of specific e-business technology are identified and evaluated. The technology has been tested at the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine. Assessment of personnel according to the requirements is implemented. The obtained results of the personnel competence before the introduction of e-business technologies in the business processes for enterprises are from 46.77% to 86.58%. Received results indicate a rather high level of competence of the personnel at the enterprises under study.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D24, D31
- Figure 1. Технологія оцінювання підготовленості персоналу до впровадження ТЕБ
- Table 1. Інструменти оцінювання підготовленості персоналу
- Table 2. Компетентності персоналу за обраними БП для ТЕБ, що впроваджуються
- Table 3. Інтерпретація шкали Лайкерта до виконуваних досліджень
- Table 4. Інтегральний показник підготовленості персоналу до впровадження ТЕБ
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