Methodical approach to assessing the level of the households` livelihoods


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In modern conditions households play an important role in the country's economy. Improving their effective functioning and quality of life of the population is one of the priority tasks of socio-economic development of the country. The set of subjective and objective indicators for determining the level of vital activity of households using an expert method, which based on a collective notebook, is substantiated. The expert group involved leading experts in the field of studying the population’s quality of life, the development of socio-economic and innovative processes; the method of "Snowball" is used for this study. It is proved that peculiarities of activity of households in the conditions of a new economy require the allocation of three system-forming groups of indicators: social, economic, innovation and educational life, the use of which provides a deeper and more comprehensive assessment of households' livelihoods. It is substantiated that in the group of indicators of economic life it is expedient to use two new indicators for households, such as household profitability index and household saving index, which provides a deeper assessment of the index of economic activity of households by expanding their economic opportunities. The distribution of the studied regions of Ukraine according to the level of vital activity of households was carried out using the Harrington scale. To visualize the results of the distribution, the means of “Front-end development” were used and the Illustrative map of Ukraine was built. Recommendations for improving the living standards of households in Ukraine aimed at, first of all, increasing the attention of the state authorities to the socio-economic activity of households are proposed. The methodical approach to the assessment of household living standards is based on the use of the proposed system of indicators consisting of three system-forming groups (social, economic and innovation-educational activities) that are integrated into the integral index (household living standards index) by the taxonomy method.

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    • Рисунок 1. Схема методичного підходу до оцінювання рівня життєдіяльності домогосподарств
    • Рисунок 2. Розрахунок коефіцієнту конкордації
    • Рисунок 3. Мапа України з розподілом регіонів за індексом життєдіяльності домогосподарств у 2018 році
    • Таблиця 1. Визначення кількості та кола експертів
    • Таблиця 2. Показники оцінки рівня життєдіяльності домогосподарств
    • Таблиця 3. Результати розрахунку інтегрального показника рівня життєдіяльності домогосподарств