Management of the development of the accounting and tax accounting system for forward and futures contracts
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #2, pp. 17-25
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In the modern conditions of economic development management in Ukraine, forward and futures contracts allow for reducing risks of price fluctuations that are necessary for economic entities under growing inflation. The number of concluded deals with futures is constantly decreasing, which is influenced by the lack of legal regulation of the taxation of derivatives transactions in Ukraine. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to determine the directions of development of the tax and accounting system for forward and futures contracts. The subject of the study is the methodical provision of tax and accounting for forward and futures contracts. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the position of modern economic theory, legislative, normative and instructional documents on taxation. According to the results of the study, accounting and tax accounting for forward and futures contracts is included in the enterprise accounting system. The management of this system is carried out through the improvement of regulations that regulate at the legislative level the tax and accounting of forward and futures contracts. The authors found that at present, in Ukraine, the procedure for accounting for forward and futures contracts is not clearly regulated at the legal level in Ukraine. The analysis showed that the national accounting provisions (standards) contain insufficient information regarding the disclosure of such transactions in the entity’s accounting records. In order to solve these problems, an original systematization of accounting rules for forward and futures contracts based on international financial reporting standards is proposed. The systematization of regulatory accounting rules can be used in the development of methodological recommendations that regulate the accounting of forward and futures contracts in Ukraine. This will solve the problems that exist at this time in managing the development of accounting and tax accounting for forward and futures contracts.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E62, G13, G23, H21, H26, K34, M41
- Figure 1. Динаміка об’єму торгів та угод ф’ючерсами, укладеними на “Українській біржі” за 2014-2018 рр.
- Figure 2. Схема управління системою обліку підприємства, складовою якої є облік форвардних та ф’ючерсних операцій
- Figure 3. Характеристики похідного інструменту за МСФЗ 9
- Figure 4. Схема систематизованого бухгалтерського обліку ф’ючерсних та форвардних контрактів за МСФЗ
- Table 1. Характеристика форвардних та ф’ючерсних контрактів
- Table 2. Суб’єкти господарювання, які зобов’язані складати фінансову звітність за МСФЗ
- Table 3. Особливості податкового та бухгалтерського обліку форвардних і ф’ючерсних операцій
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