Logistics costs accounting: challenges for identification in Ukrainian accounting practice
Article InfoVolume 2 2018-2019, Issue #1, pp. 47-53
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Development of an effective logistics infrastructure for companies contributes to ensuring their effective work, directly affects financial performance and requires the establishment of a management and accounting system for logistics costs. Classifying and registering logistics costs becomes more important in this regard. At this stage of Ukrainian accounting practice, there are challenges for logistics costs accounting such as their identification and registration. Methodological basis of study among different logistics concepts (concept of general logistics costs, concept of reengineering business processes in logistics, concept of an integrated logistics strategy, concept of supply chain management) was total logistics costs concept or the concept of full value as well as process-oriented approach. In the work, the generalization and formalization of existing approaches to the logistics costs accounting was made. Feasibility of using a process-oriented approach among other approaches (absorption costing, direct costing target costing, kaizen costing, etc.) were substantiated. The algorithm of identification and registration of logistics costs for Ukrainian enterprises was proposed. It is based on such inclusion in the relevant economic process (supply, production, sales and administration of logistics processes) and the use of a new consolidated account 29 “Logistics costs”. This authors’ approach to solving the problem of identification and registration of logistics costs for accounting purposes allows to optimize and increase the informativeness of accounting logistics costs reflection in Ukrainian accounting practice.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M41, R4
- Figure 1. Algorithm for identification and recognition of logistics costs in accounting in accordance with a process-oriented approach for Ukrainian companies
- Table 1. Characteristics of fundamental logistic concepts
- Table 2. Logistics costs accounting methods
- Table 3. Accounting identification of logistics costs in the process approach
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