Exploring the factors influencing the intention to use digital banking: The role of resonance FOMO as a moderator
Article InfoVolume 20 2025, Issue #1, pp. 161-173
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to explore the factors influencing individuals’ intention to use digital banking services and investigate the role of Resonance FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in moderating the relationship between intention and actual usage behavior in Indonesia. Quantitative methodologies are implemented in the investigation, utilizing Structural Equation Modeling with WarpPLS for data analysis. A survey was conducted with 380 respondents in Indonesia using a Likert-scale questionnaire to measure various variables, including Effort Expectancy, Hedonic Motivation, Facilitating Conditions, Price Value, Performance Expectancy, and Perceived Risk. The results indicate that Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy, Price Value, and Perceived Risk significantly impact users’ intention to use digital banking services, while Facilitating Conditions and Hedonic Motivation did not have a significant influence. Furthermore, the study reveals that Intention to Use strongly affects actual Use Behavior, with Resonance FOMO acting as a positive moderator, the relationship between intention and behavior is improved. The results offer significant understanding of the psychological and environmental elements influencing digital banking adoption in emerging markets. These results offer practical implications for digital banking providers and policymakers seeking to increase user acceptance and engagement by addressing these key influencing factors.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D83, G21, O33, L86, M15
- Figure 1. Outcome of the conceptual framework
- Table 1. Measurement items
- Table 2. Variable analysis results
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