Parsing religiosity and intention to use Islamic mobile banking in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 16 2021 , Issue #4, pp. 34-44
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Although mobile banking is one of the online banking services that makes it easy for consumers to conduct financial transactions, research on Islamic mobile banking in developing countries with a Muslim majority is still relatively insignificant. Not all Muslim consumers are interested in or intend to use conventional mobile banking services. Therefore, the aim of this study is to integrate the TAM theory and the construct of religiosity to examine consumer intentions to use Islamic mobile banking services. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire of 482 Muslim consumers in Indonesia using convenience sampling techniques. The collected data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM-AMOS). The results of this study showed that perceived ease of use cannot influence the perceived usefulness and attitudes of variables towards Islamic mobile banking. While perceived usefulness has been proven to influence attitudes toward Islamic mobile banking and may be the largest contributor to increased intentions to use Islamic mobile banking. On the other hand, this study reveals that the influence of religiosity can positively and significantly foster consumer sensibility and intention to use Islamic mobile banking.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M31, O30
- Figure 1. Conceptual research framework
- Table 1. Validity and reliability
- Table 2. The square root of AVE and correlation coefficients
- Table 3. Fit indices of the structural model of Islamic mobile banking
- Table 4. Structural model hypothesis testing results
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